D.A.V. Public School - Butchirajupalem

Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh-530027

Oath Taking  

The elected students of the Prefect Body get honoured by the Head of the Institution and takes the oath which depicts their leadership. The oath taking manifests to uphold the good name of the school at all times. The Elected Council will strive Academic excellence through perseverance, boundless energy and relentless commitment. Strong character and moral values become the pillar of respect, Mutual understanding and Love. The Council tries it best not to let their emotions creep into harshness, partiality and prejudice.

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DAV Public School Visakhapatnam
Butchirajupalem, NAD kotha Road, Visakhapatnam,
Andhra Pradesh-530027
E-Mail: davbut_org@yahoo.com
Phone: 0891-2572523, 2573523
Website: www.davvisakhapatnam.com

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